Marjorie Gestring--the youngest Olympic gold medalist
At age 13, Marjorie Gestring was our youngest Olympic gold medal winner ever in springboard diving at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. No one, except maybe Adolph Hitler who watched her win, could predict it would be her last. World War II robbed Gestring of her shots at the 1940 and 1944 Olympic titles. At age 26, her Olympic comeback try in 1948 fell short.
Bob Mathias--the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's athletics event
17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon only four months after taking up the sport. He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's athletics event. By the time Mathias retired from decathlon competition in 1952, he had nine victories in nine competitions, four United States championships, three world records and two Olympic gold medals, all before he was 22.
Dmitry Nelyubin--the youngest Olympic champion among male cyclists
Olympic cycling champion Dmitry Nelyubin died in the very beginning of the new year,in St.Petersburg. The 33-year-old athlete was killed on New Year's night. Nelyubin was the youngest Olympic champion among male cyclists. He clutched his gold medal in Seoul at the age of 17.
Dmitry Nelyubin became the Olympic champion in 1988. He also became the world champion and won many other titles afterwards. The athlete finished his cycling career seven years ago at the age of 26.
Fu Mingxia--the youngest Olympic diving champion
Fu Mingxia became the youngest Olympic champion at the age of 14. Her success became a cover story in "Time" magazine titled "Olympic Height-China's gold medallist Fu Mingxia." Four years later, in Atlanta, she went on to do well again, winning the women's platform and springboard diving competitions.
Gezahegne--the youngest Olympic marathon champion
Gezahegne is known as the youngest Olympic marathon champion ever, after winning the gold medal in the 2000 Olympics in Sidney, Australia. But he has also won the London Marathon (2003), where he ran a 2:07:56, the Fukuoka Marathon (2002, 2001 and 1999), and the World Championship Marathon (2001). Gezahegne also finished second in the Boston Marathon in 2000.
Lipinski--the youngest Olympic figure skating champion
Lipinski became the youngest-ever women's Olympic champion at 15 years and eight months -- two months younger than Sonja Henie of Norway when she won the women's title at the 1928 Winter Games in St. Moritz.
英文名:Shawn Johnson
出生日期: 1992年1月19日
性别: 女
身高(厘米/英尺): 145cm / 4'9"
体重(公斤/磅): 41 kg / 90 lbs
居住地: 爱荷华州得梅因 (美国)
运动项目: 竞技体操
排名 比赛项目 年份 比赛地点 成绩
1 自由体操 2007 德国斯图加特 15.250
1 个人全能 2007 德国斯图加特 61.875
1 团体 2007 德国斯图加特 184.400
8 平衡木 2007 德国斯图加特 14.475
41 高低杠 2007 德国斯图加特 14.625
2007年泛美运动会 团体、个人全能、高低杠、平衡木冠军,自由体操亚军;
2007年全美锦标赛 个人全能、自由操、平衡木冠军,高低杠第三名;
个人全能 62.375 (银牌)
女子自由体操 15.500 (银牌)
2022年湖南卫视跨年演唱会节目单如下: 1、开场秀《梦不落》表演:周笔畅、容祖儿、王鸥、吉克隽逸。 2、歌曲《黄种人》演唱:信、龚俊、曹媛源 。 3、演讲《2021,不虚此行》何炅。 4、歌曲 《天上飞》《感到幸福你就拍拍手》演唱:凤凰传奇,公安、医生、消防员代表 。 5、视频《圆梦2021》表演汤洪波。 6、歌曲 《去流浪》演唱:周笔畅。 7、歌曲《小幸运》演唱:杨幂、周笔畅。 8、歌曲《别认怂》演唱:李斯丹妮、程潇。 9、歌曲《突然好想你》《干杯》演唱:五月天。 10、演讲《2021,少年》演讲:齐思钧。 11、歌曲《骄傲的少年》演唱:张继科、孙一文、侯志慧、张虹、南征北战NZBZ。 12、歌曲《风吹一夏》演唱:宋祖儿、王安宇。 跨年演唱会简介: 1、跨年演唱会是在12月31日晚19:30全球直播开始。 2、跨年晚会是指在年末12月31日晚各电视台和政府为喜迎新的一年到来而举办的演唱会,跨年演唱会场面宏大,并有大量明星云集。 3、庆祝元旦跨年晚会活动在我国开始举办首先出现在港台地区,跨年晚会因形式的不同在各地区和各时期或许有名称的不同,如央视跨年盛典、湖南卫视跨年演唱会等。
跨年演唱会节目单有如下: 1、SING女团,表演:《寄明月》。 2、谭维维,表演:《蝶》、《墨梅》。 3、许嵩,表演:《绝代风华》。 4、五音JW奇然沈谧仁孙霄磊,表演:《明天天涯》、《琵琶行》、《赤伶》。 5、南征北战NZBZ,表演:《饕餮》。 6、阿兰,表演:《离兮》、《熊猫侠》。 7、南征北战NZBZ,表演:《骄傲的少年》。 8、国风组曲,表演:《关山酒》、《不谓侠》。 9、音频怪物,表演:《琴师》。
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