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英语字母谜 1. What letter is like a Pyramid(金字塔)?(A) What letter is like twelve o’clock? (A d-A-y) Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman? ( the letter “A”. Because it makes “her” hear.) 2. What letter asks a question? (Y) 3. What letter is an insect (昆虫)?(B, bee) 4. What letter you don’t know? (X) 5. What letter has water ? (C sea) What letter is a large body of water? (C) 6. What letter is a kind of drink ? (T tea) What letter is like an island? (T It is in the middle of wa-T-er.) Which letter is the difference between here and there? ( T) 7. What letter is a part of the head? (I eye) What letter can see ? (I eye) 8. What letter is not I nor he ? (U you) 9. What letter is like a cake? (O) What letter is an exclamation (感叹) of surprise? (O) 10. What three letters mean twenty-six letters? (ABC) 11. What letter is like a false friend? (P It’s always first in Pity, but Last in Help.) What letter is a kind of vegetable? (P pea) 12. What letter is a line? (Q queue) 13. I am first in the last, in the last I am found; In the flower you’ll see me, but not on the ground; In the lily(百合花) and lilac(丁香花) I’m hid; Not seen in the eye, I am known to its lid(眼睑);Indeed, I’m the very first thing on your lip. What am I? (the letter “L”) What changes a pear into a pearl? ( the letter “L” ) 14. Twice in a moment, once in a minute, never in an hour. What is it? (the letter “M”) 15. What part of London is in France? ( the letter “N”) 16. What and who is in the middle of China? ( the letter “ I” ) 17. What’s the end of everything? ( the letter “G” ) 18. We have it in December, but we don’t have it in any other month. What is it? ( the letter “D”) 19. What’s the most important thing is the world? ( the letter “E”. Because it is first in everything and everybody.) 20. 半个葫芦(大写)(B) 突出重围(大小写)(Cc) 调整工作(大写)(H) 顶天立地(大写)(I) 女儿(大写)(Y) 零的双胞胎(大小写)(O o) 禾苗出土(小写)(r) 连续的弯路(大小写)(Ss) 丁字尺(大写)(T) 盘山公路(大小写)(Zz)

French leave为什么是不告而别

French leave为什么是不告而别

“French leave”意为“leave of absence without permission or without announcing one's departure”,即“在未获得许可或未声明的情况下离开”。《牛津英语词典》中提到:“the custom (in the 18th century prevalent in France and sometimes imitated in England) of going away from a reception, etc. without taking leave of the host or hostess. Hence, jocularly, to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice.”有记载的最早使用记录是在1771年。

这一用法很可能起源于英国和法国之间的法国印第安人战争:在乔治湖湖区的一场战役中,约140名法军士兵被英军俘虏,并被押运到湖中的一座小岛上。然而法军士兵对当地地理环境的熟悉程度胜过英军,因此,到了黎明时分,这些法军士兵便悄无声息地 泅水逃跑了。当英国士兵从睡梦中醒来,显得不知所措。

捷克语: zmizet po anglicku ("to leave English style")
法语:filer à l'anglaise ("to leave English style")
德语:sich (auf) französisch empfehlen或 einen französischen Abschied nehmen ("to take a French leave") 或 einen polnischen Abgang machen ("to take a Polish leave")
匈牙利语: angolosan távozik ("to leave English style")
意大利语:andarsene all'inglese ("to leave English style")
波兰语:wyjść po angielsku ("to leave English style")
葡萄牙语:saída à francesa ("to leave French style")
俄语: уйти по-английски (ujti po-anglijski) ("to leave English style")
西班牙语: despedida a la francesa ("goodbye in the French way", "French farewell")
瓦隆语: spiter a l' inglesse ("to leave English style")

French leave 为什么是“不辞而别”的意思

French leave 为什么是“不辞而别”的意思

  French leave[英][frentʃ li:v][美][frɛntʃ liv]
  的不打招呼就擅自离开的行为叫做“法国式离开”(French leave),
  礼貌和教养著称,以前英文还称其为French fare。因此法国人一听到
  他们也不甘示弱在法文中搞出一个同义词叫filer(s'en aller) a
  l'anglasie" (亦即是 take English leave)。
  康多姆先生发明了避孕套。法国人叫它English overcoat(英国人的大
  衣)。英国人则叫它“法国信函”(French letter)。另外还有一些
  novels 和French prints 都指低俗的小说和图片Pardon my French 请
  原谅English disease 支气管炎、佝偻病(因曾流行于英国)the best
  of British luck! 祝好运!真正意思为:祝你倒霉!










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