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箱子的英语是case。 例句: 1、我来帮你提箱子吧。 Let me carry your case for you. 2、她取出所有要穿的衣服,其余的都留在箱子里。 She unpacked all the clothes she needed and left the rest in the case. 3、她用钥匙打开了箱子,小心翼翼地拿出那只花瓶。 She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the vase. 4、他提起箱子,向出口走去。 He picked up the case and walked towards the exit 5、他从她手中拿过箱子,将它小心地放在地板上。 He took the case out of her hand and set it on the floor.



装箱的英文是:Packing。 n.打包 ; 包装 ; 包装材料 ; 包装费 ; 填充材料 ; 润滑材料 双语例句 1 相对而言,分布式装箱(Distributed binning)策略负载均衡算法是一种较好的负载均衡算法。 Contrast, the load balancing algorithm based on the distributed binning strategy is a kind of good one. www.fabiao.net 2 介绍了铸造工艺中新消失模技术特点、泡塑模样材料及制造涂料要求、配制方法、装箱方法、负压浇注方法等,并指出消失模技术特别适用于煤矿机械铸造中的应用。 The paper focuses on the new EPC characteristics in casting process, foam plastics mould material and make designs, paint require, prepare designs, the method of binning, minus pressure casting designs and points out that EPC was used especially to colliery mechanical casting process. dict.cnki.net 3 陶器已装箱运往美国。 The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》