我看少林足球的时候,一边看一边幻想,国足如果招一群和尚或者练家子去踢球,岂不是打遍天下无敌手,脚踏皇马意甲小巴西! 那时,我就一直抱着一个念头,功夫,绝对是国足的救星! 等我看完了电影,后来稍微长大了几岁的时候,我回头再看这部电影,我觉得,功夫,可能不仅仅是国足的救星了,它可能也是我的救星,是许多许多在生活里挣扎,失去了“诗和远方”的年轻人的救星了。 匆匆毕业,离开舒服很舒服的学校,离开了朝夕相处的同学舍友,经年日久,大家忙于工作,混迹在市井之中,早已没了当年的模样,更何况,当年那遥不可及的梦想。这和周星驰离开少林寺,师兄弟飘零四海,混迹的各行各业,渐渐失去了本色,连功夫都忘记了。你看,连轻功水上漂都成死胖子了,还漂,漂你妹啊。 可是,总有人记得梦想。总有人记得师傅的嘱咐:弘扬少林功夫。虽然他只是个捡破烂的,虽然没人瞧得起他,但是,他的心中,从未忘记他的梦想,忘记师傅的嘱咐。 “人如果没有梦想,那还咸鱼有什么区别”,但是,大多数人啊,在现实生活里,不就是条咸鱼吗? 我们忙忙碌碌,穿梭在人群里,拥挤在地铁里。往前看,是密不透风的人群,仿若看不见的未来。有没有问过自己,这就是自己想要的人生吗?这就是读了十几年书想要的生活?自己一辈子就要这样混在人群里庸庸碌碌。 是的。我这样问过自己,也审视过自己。 所以当我再一次看少林足球的时候,内心其实是震撼的。那诙谐搞笑的背后,是一群中年人,为了少时梦想奋斗的过程。当师兄弟从各方赶来楼顶汇合时,突然内心很不是滋味,我们志同道合的人儿啥时候回来啊,啥时候一起去追寻梦想啊;当那一句全都回来了喊出时,我知道是觉醒了,然而,我还是很痛苦,因为我也想觉醒,但是,我找不到觉醒的力量。 但我依旧很努力的去觉醒。我也一直期待,喊出那句“全都回来了”。 说到头,少林足球说的不仅仅是足球,更多的是关于梦想,关于现实!
Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal ; born March 6, 1972, frequently referred to simply as "Shaq", is an American professional basketball player, regarded as one of the most dominant in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA).He starts at center for the Phoenix Suns, after previous stints with the Miami Heat, the Los Angeles Lakers and the Orlando Magic. O'Neal has won four NBA Championships, most recently in 2006, with the Miami Heat.
Joe Toney and Lucille O'Neal. His first two names combined mean "Little Warrior" in Islam. He has two sisters and a brother: Lateefah, Ayesha and Jamal.
At 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m), 325 lb (147 kg/23.2 st) and U.S. shoe size 23, he is famous for his physical stature. He has several nicknames, such as "Shaq", "The Diesel", "Shaq Fu", "The Big Aristotle", "The Big Daddy", "Superman", "The Big Cactus", "The Big Shaqtus" (which, according to SI, "is apparently all the rage in Phoenix"), "Wilt Chamberneezy" (given to him by former teammate Kobe Bryant), "The Big Baryshnikov", "The Real Deal" and most recently after earning his MBA from the University of Phoenix, "Dr. Shaq."
After graduating from high school, O'Neal attended Louisiana State University, where he was a member of Omega Psi Phi and studied business. While playing for Brown at LSU, O'Neal was a two time All-American, two-time SEC player of the year, and received the Adolph Rupp Trophy as NCAA men's basketball player of the year in 1991. He also holds the NCAA record for shots blocked in a game with 17 blocks against Mississippi State on December 3, 1990.
He was drafted as the 1st overall pick in the 1992 NBA Draft by the Orlando Magic. O'Neal had an exceptional rookie season, as he helped the Magic win 20 more games than the previous season, with the team ultimately missing the playoffs by virtue of a tie-breaker with the Indiana Pacers. O'Neal averaged 23.4 points and 13.9 rebounds per game for the season and was named the 1993 NBA Rookie of the Year. O'Neal's second season was even better than his first. Teaming with newly-drafted Anfernee
Hardaway, O'Neal averaged 29.4 points and led the NBA in field goal percentage at 60%. He was also voted into another All-Star game and helped the Magic make the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. In his third season, O'Neal led the NBA in scoring. Orlando won 57 games and won the Atlantic Division. The Magic made it all the way to the NBA Finals, but were swept by the Houston Rockets.
After the 1995–96 season, O'Neal left the Orlando Magic to join the Los Angeles Lakers, enticed by the allure of a seven-year, $122 million contract.
O'Neal was also voted the 1999–2000 regular season Most Valuable Player, coming just one vote short of becoming the first unanimous MVP in NBA history. Fred Hickman, then of CNN, was the sole voter who did not cast his first place vote for O'Neal, instead choosing Allen Iverson, then of the Philadelphia 76ers. O'Neal also won the scoring title that year while finishing second in rebounds and third in blocked shots.
On July 14, 2004, O'Neal was officially traded to the Miami Heat for Caron Butler, Lamar Odom, Brian Grant and a future first-round draft choice. O'Neal reverted from his Lakers jersey number 34 to number 32 which he wore while playing for the Orlando Magic. Upon signing with the Heat, O'Neal promised the fans that he would bring a championship to Miami. He claimed that one of the main reasons for wanting to be traded to Miami was because of their up-and-coming star, Dwyane Wade. With O'Neal on board, the new-look Heat surpassed expectations, claiming the best record in the Eastern Conference. Despite being hobbled by a deep thigh bruise, O'Neal led the Heat to the Eastern Conference Finals and a Game 7 against the defending champion Detroit Pistons, losing by a narrow margin. He also narrowly lost the 2004–05 MVP Award to Phoenix Suns guard Steve Nash in one of the closest votes in NBA history.
In a somewhat unexpected trade,[citation needed] the Phoenix Suns acquired O'Neal from the Miami Heat in exchange for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks. Critics were eager to point out the negative sides of the trade: replacing Marion (in his prime years)on a high winning team for the declining and older O'Neal does not seem to make much sense. The Suns' general manager, Steve Kerr, stated that he felt O'Neal, with his charisma, experience and presence, could be the spark for a potential championship and that O'Neal would help the upcoming Amare Stoudemire develop his game.
O'Neal made his Suns debut on February 20, 2008 against his former Lakers team, scoring 15 points and grabbing 9 rebounds in the process. The Lakers won, 130-124. O'Neal was upbeat in a post-game press conference, stating: "I will take the blame for this loss because I wasn't in tune with the guys. But give me four or five days to really get in tune and I'll get it."
奥尼奥的父母是Joe Toney和Lucille O'Neal。他的名字是一个复合字,意思为“小勇士”(伊斯兰语)。他有两个姐妹和一个兄弟:Lateefah、Ayesha和Jamal。
奥尼奥身高7英尺1英寸,216厘米;325磅,147公斤;穿的鞋是美制23号。他身材魁梧,拥有很多绰号:Shaq、柴油机、Shaq Fu、大亚里士多德、大佬爷、超人、The Big Cactus、大火凤凰、Wilt Chamberneezy(这个绰号来自于前队友科比)、The Big Baryshnikov、大家伙、Shaq博士(他最近获得了凤凰城大学的NBA学位)。
奥尼尔英文名字是Shaquille O'Neal。 沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal),1972年3月6日出生于美国新泽西内瓦克,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职中锋,小名“沙克”(Shaq),绰号“大鲨鱼”。 1996年,沙奎尔·奥尼尔入选NBA50大巨星。2011年6月2日,“大鲨鱼”沙奎尔·奥尼尔在推特上宣布退役。沙奎尔·奥尼尔的NBA生涯场均得到23.7分、10.9个篮板、2.3次盖帽;生涯共得到28596分,13099个篮板球,以及拥有58.2%的投篮命中率,是NBA实力最强的中锋之一。 扩展资料 沙奎尔·奥尼尔人物经历: 1990年,十八岁的奥尼尔进入了路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)的商业系,而且加入了校篮球代表队。他在LSU的篮球队时,取得了两次NCAA全美南部最佳球员。 1994-95赛季,奥尼尔场均得分达29.3分,累积得分达2315分,拿到了自己的第一个得分王。这个赛季的奥兰多魔术队赢得57场胜利,再次打入NBA季后赛。 1997-98赛季,里克·福克斯(Rick Fox)和罗伯特·霍里(Robert Horry)来到湖人队,增强了球队的进攻力量。在这个NBA赛季,奥尼尔和队友合作取得61场胜利,但是在西部决赛被犹他爵士队以0-4击败。 参考资料来源:百度百科-沙奎尔·奥尼尔
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