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《格林童话》是由德国语言学家雅各布·格林和威廉·格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学。 《格林童话》里面约有200多个故事,大部分源自民间的口头传说,其中的《灰姑娘》《白雪公主》《小红帽》《青蛙王子》等童话故事较为闻名。 它是世界童话的经典之作,自问世以来,在世界各地影响十分广泛。格林兄弟以其丰富的想象、优美的语言给孩子们讲述了一个个神奇而又浪漫的童话故事。在国内,日本,中国台湾也有根据《格林童话》创作的故事集。 相关说明 《格林童话》蕴涵着深刻的道德主题,浓缩了19世纪朴素的善恶观。《格林童话》中的形象粗略地分为三种:非人全兽形象、半人半兽形象和人的伦理形象。儿童就是另一种形式的三位一体,是兽类、半人半兽、人类的三位一体,而且这三类形象按时间顺序发展变化。当然凡事旨有例外,它们有时也不按时间顾序而是直接以三位一体示人。 儿童身上有原始初民的影子,有动物本真的影子。格林兄弟在处理这些形象时,大都写得善恶分明,好坏黑白,一目了然,没有灰色地带,善恶好坏向两极夸张。这显然在照顾儿童的认知能力。《格林童话》的故事让儿童可以在阅读过程中体验到故事中主人公不同的人生经历与冒险,而这些奇妙的经历正是儿童在可以独碰的日常环境中难以实现的。 这些内容丰富又饱含趣味性的童话故事扩展了儿童的思维世界,在轻松愉说的阅读中总结经验教训,唤起儿童对生活的热爱与期待,激发儿童善恶观的形成。 以上内容参考:百度百科-格林童话



格林童话介绍如下: 《格林童话》是德国雅科布格林和威廉格林兄弟多年工作的成果。《格林童话》内容广泛,反映了正义与邪恶、善良与凶残、诚实与虚伪、智慧与愚昧、勇敢与怯懦、勤劳与懒惰等一些带有普遍意义的人生主题。 它的主人公分为两类:一类是善的化身,诸如:裁缝、磨坊工、士兵、长工等。他们初遭不幸,几经周折,最后获得成功;另一类是恶的象征,诸如:巫婆、魔鬼、强盗、继母等。他们多是一时得逞,最后以失败而告终。 作者总是把二者对立起来描写,同情、歌颂前者,鞭答、讽刺后者。表达了鲜明的爱惜和美好的愿望,揭示了简单的人生哲理和价值观念。 艺术特色:《格林童话》源于民间,因而以通俗、质朴见称,表现了纯真的自然美。童话主人公个性鲜明,恶莠善良一目了然。不少主人公憨态可掬,滑稽可爱,使故事妙趣横生、引人入胜。童话寓教于乐,给人们以娱乐又启迪人们的心灵。 在格林童话中.自然与神奇、现实与浪漫交相辉映,融为一体,使故事既有真实性,又有梦幻感。语言上,朴实无华,琅琅上口,娓娓道来,栩栩如生,一些篇章用德语方言写成,有的还插入民歌和童谣,充满着浓郁的乡土气息,读来令人倍感亲切。 主题思想:《格林童话》是德国文苑中的一颗摧璨的明珠,更是瑰丽多彩的世界童话王国中一束争奇斗妍的奇葩。自1812年问世以来,已被译成近100种文字,在世界各国,广泛流传。 《格林童话》主题表达了鲜明的爱惜和美好的愿望,揭示了简单的人生哲理和价值观念。 《格林童话》以和谐、完美的方式集中了欧洲民间文学,字里行间充满了对弱者的同情,对为非作歹,为富不仁者的尖锐批评和讽刺。



问题一:“格林童话”用英语怎么说啊? green's fairy tale
Grimm's Fairy Tales ----最正确!

问题二:格林童话的英文名是什么 Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
鸡过by引导的词组表示作者 通常省略
所以Grimm's Fairy Tales 是最经常使用的官方名称

问题三:格林童话英语怎么说 Grimm's弗Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
不过by引导的词组表示作者 通常省略
所以Grimm's Fairy Tales 是最经常使用的官方名称

问题四:格林童话中的所有故事的英文名 THE FAIRY TALES
1. The Frog-King, or Iron Henry
2. Cat and Mouse in Partnership
3. Our Lady's Child
4. The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
5. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
6. Faithful John
7. The Good Bargain
8. The Wonderful Musician
9. The Twelve Brothers
10. The Pack of Ragamuffins
11. Brother and Sister
12. Rapunzel
13. The Three Little Men in the Wood
14. The Three Spinners
15. Hansel and Grethel
16. The Three Snake-Leaves
17. The White Snake
18. The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
19. The Fisherman and His Wife
20. The Valiant Little Tailor
21. Cinderella
22. The Riddle
23. The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
24. Mother Holle
25. The Seven Ravens
26. Little Red-Cap
27. The Bremen Town-Musicians
28. The Singing Bone
29. The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs
30. The Louse and the Flea
31. The Girl Without Hands
32. Clever Hans
33. The Three Languages
34. Clever Elsie
35. The Tailor in Heaven
36. The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack
37. Thumbling
38. The Wedding of Mrs.Fox
39. The Elves
40. The Robber Bridegroom
41. Herr Korbes
42. The Godfather
43. Frau Trude
44. Godfather Death
45. Thumbling as Journeyman
46. Fitcher's Bird
47. The Juniper-Tree
48. Old Sultan
49. The Six Swans
50. Briar-Rose
51. Fundevogel
52. King Thrushbeard
53. Little Snow-whi......>>

问题五:《格林童话选》的英文简介 Children's and Household Tales is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm. The collection is monly known today as Grimms' Fairy Tales.
The influence of these books was widespread. Some people criticized it as not suitable for children though it is called Children's Tales. Many changes were made C such as turning the wicked mother of the first edition in Snow White to a stepmother in later editions.
In 1825 the Brothers published a *** all edition, a selection of 50 tales designed for child readers.


问题六:用英语五句话描述一篇格林童话(有中文翻译) Once upon a time, a prince was cursed by an evil witch and turned into a frog, and a good princess's kiss was needed to break the spell.There was a king who had several daughters and the little princess was most beautiful and kind.The little princess was playing the ball and the ball rolled into the well.And that's exactly where the Frog Prince stayed.Frog helped the princess to retrieve the golden globe. The princess promised frog kissed it. The frog turned into a prince, and the princess lived happily together.

问题七:成年人和儿童都喜欢格林童话用英语翻译 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:
.The *** and the children both like Grimm's Fairy Tales.



JORINDA AND JORINDEL There was once an old castle, that stood in the middle of a deep gloomy wood, and in the castle lived an old fairy. Now this fairy could take any shape she pleased. All the day long she flew about in the form of an owl, or crept about the country like a cat; but at night she always became an old woman again. When any young man came within a hundred paces of her castle, he became quite fixed, and could not move a step till she came and set him free; which she would not do till he had given her his word never to come there again: but when any pretty maiden came within that space she was changed into a bird, and the fairy put her into a cage, and hung her up in a chamber in the castle. There were seven hundred of these cages hanging in the castle, and all with beautiful birds in them. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were soon to be married. One day they went to walk in the wood, that they might be alone; and Jorindel said, We must take care that we dont go too near to the fairys castle. It was a beautiful evening; the last rays of the setting sun shone bright through the long stems of the trees upon the green underwood beneath, and the turtle-doves sang from the tall birches. Jorinda sat down to gaze upon the sun; Jorindel sat by her side; and both felt sad, they knew not why; but it seemed as if they were to be parted from one another for ever. They had wandered a long way; and when they looked to see which way they should go home, they found themselves at a loss to know what path to take.

谁知道杜格治的《Vellin fairy tales-summer2》.带翻译

谁知道杜格治的《Vellin fairy tales-summer2》.带翻译

那是一本欧洲中世纪的童话故事,讲诉了王子与公主的美丽爱情,很难得的一本爱情童话。 在当时那种背景下,杜格治渴望一份纯美的爱情,也抨击了社会的黑暗。 本书以真实的人物为背景,以作者自己为主线写对远在城市的爱人的怀念。这部书一共分为十二节,以四个季节为大标题,没季分三节,summer2只是第五节,主要写当时的那场战争中发生的爱情,作者以幽默的笔调写出了伟大、纯节的爱情。翻译去谷哥搜索就行。