高壹工机(HiKOKI)前身是日立电动工具在充电工具行业浸营70多年,也是进入中国市场最早的国外电动工具品牌之一。 此次更名与该公司雄心勃勃的国际增长战略相吻合,在拓展日立工机在全球近100个国家的业务网络的同时,确保可持续增长。拥有70年辉煌的历史,日立工机利用世界一流的先进技术生产出可靠而创新的产品,为该公司与世界知名私募股权集团 KKR 建立的新合作关系打下了基础。 通过这项合作,工机控股正在精简运营,加快有机发展和收购方面的投资,增强其作为世界领先制造商的全球业务。在品牌更名的同时,该公司还在德国杜塞尔多夫郊区成立了一家名为工机控股欧州株式会社的子公司,作为其欧洲总部,以反映欧洲市场的战略重要性。 这家子公司将于2017年11月开始运营,负责母公司在欧洲的活动,旨在拉近与客户的距离,以便更快地做出决策,满足他们的需求。
国货运动英文为:Chinese goods movement 国货运动相关短句: 1、例如,当kkr支持的韩国东洋啤酒公司(oriental brewery)获得提高啤酒价格的政府审批时,它成为了一场购买国货运动的目标。 For example, when Oriental brewery, a kkr-backed company based in South Korea, secured government permission to raise beer prices, it became the object of a buy-local campaign. 2、近代中国的爱国主义广告在商业竞争中与国货运动的影响下产生。 Modern Chinas patriotic advertisements emerged in business competition under the influence of the Chinese national goods movement. 3、近代国货运动阶段性明显,呈现由低级到高级渐次发展的趋势。 The stage of the movement of Chinese products in modern period was obvious, which showed the gradual development from base to advanced. 4、但是中国在支持国货运动的背后有国家安全和经济方面的利益,所以投资者应该更加注意这件事的发展,正如我去年8月份专栏文章里所写的那样。 But China has both national security and economic interests behind its Buy China campaign and investors ought to start paying more attention to these developments, as I wrote here in August. 5、70年前的苏州丝绸国货救济运动 Domestic Goods Salvation Campaign Launched 70 Years Ago by Suzhou Silk Sector
国货运动英文:Chinese goods movement。 重点词汇:国货China-made goods;Chinese goods;domestic。 双语例句 1、例如,当kkr支持的韩国东洋啤酒公司(oriental brewery)获得提高啤酒价格的政府审批时,它成为了一场购买国货运动的目标。 For example, when Oriental brewery, a kkrbacked company based in South Korea, secured government permission to raise beer prices, it became the object of a buy-local campaign. 2、近代中国的爱国主义广告在商业竞争中与国货运动的影响下产生。 Modern Chinas patriotic advertisements emerged in business competition under the influence of the Chinese national goods movement. 3、近代国货运动阶段性明显,呈现由低级到高级渐次发展的趋势。 The stage of the movement of Chinese products in modern period was obvious, which showed the gradual development from base to advanced.