压力变送器的型号众多,在使用的时候需要根据需要选择合适型号的压力变送器,压力变送器选型时需要参考的因素主要有: 1、测量什么样的压力先确定系统中测量压力的最大值,一般而言需要选择一个具有比最大值还要大1.5倍左右的压力量程的压力变送器。 2、什么样的压力介质黏性液体、泥浆会堵上压力接口,溶剂或有腐蚀性的物质会不会破坏变送器中与这些介质直接接触的材料。以上这些因素将决定是否选择直接的隔离膜及直接与介质接触的材料。 3、压力变送器的精度决定压力变送器精度的因素有非线性,迟滞性,非重复性,温度、零点偏置刻度,温度的影响等,精度越高,价格也就越高。 4、压力变送器的温度范围通常一个变送器会标定两个温确段,其中一个温度段是正常工作温度,另外一个是温度补偿范围,正常工作温度范围是指变送器在工作状态下不被破坏的时候的温度范围,在超出温度补偿范围时可能会达不到其应用的性能指标。 5、需要得到怎样的输出信号mV、V、mA及频率输出数字输出,选择怎样的输出取决于多种因素,包括变送器与系统控制器或显示器间的距离,是否存在“噪声”或其他电子干扰信号,是否需要放大器,放大器的位置等。对于许多变送器和控制器间距离较短的OEM设备采用mA输出的变送器最为经济而有效的解决方法。如果需要将输出信号放大,最好采用具有内置放大的变送器。对于远距离传输或存在较强的电子干扰信号最好采用mA级输出或频率输出。如果在RFI或EMI指标很高的环境中除了要注意到要选择mA或频率输出外还要考虑到特殊的保护或过滤器。 6、选择怎样的励磁电压输出信号的类型决定选择怎么样的励磁电压。许多变送器有内置的电压调节装置,因此其电源电压范围较大。有些变送器是定量配置,需要一个稳定的工作电压,因此,工作电压决定是否采用带有调节器的传感器,选择传送器时要综合考虑工作电压与系统造价。 7、是否需要具备互换性的压力变送器确定所需的压力变送器是否能够适应多个使用系统。一般来讲这一点很重要,尤其是对于OEM产品。一旦将产品送到客户手中那么客户用来校准的花销是相当大的。如果产品具有良好的互换性,那么即使改变所用的压力变送器也不会影响整个系统的效果。 8、压力变送器超时工作后的稳定度大部分压力变送器在经过超额工作后会产生“漂移”,因此很有必要在购买前了解变送器的稳定性,这种预先的工作能减少将来使用中会出现的种种麻烦。 9、压力变送器的封装压力变送器的封装,往往容易忽略是它的机架,然而这一点在以后使用中会逐渐暴露出其缺点。在选购变送器时一定要考虑到将来压力变送器的工作环境,湿度如何,怎样安装变送器,会不会有强烈的撞击或振动等。 10、在压力变送器与其它电子设备间采用怎样的连接包括是否需要采用短距离连接?若是采用长距离连接,是否需要采用一个连接器?这些都要考虑清楚。 南京沃天科技 想要了解更多压力变送器资讯,欢迎咨询南京沃天科技!
1.Surface pressure transmitter:
Surface pressure transmitter is a pressure transmitter with local atmospheric pressure as reference zero.
2.Absolute pressure transmitter:
Absolute pressure transmitter is a pressure transmitter with vacuum as reference zero.In the process of using,the reference zero of the sensor can be adjusted automatically with the change of location and region without correction.The shape of the pressure transmitter is identical to that of the surface pressure transmitter.
3.Differential pressure transmitter:
Differential pressure transmitter is a pressure transmitter which measures the pressure difference between two pressure chambers.Differential pressure transmitter has two pressure chambers'+'and'-',respectively.Take two pressure as the comparative value separately.Usually,one end of the larger pressure is used as a'+'pressure chamber.It should be noted that when ordering differential pressure transducers,please pay attention to a specific parameter of differential pressure transducers-static pressure tolerance.In the application process,high hydrostatic pressure and low differential pressure are common in the field.The static pressure of the ordered differential pressure transmitter should not exceed the tolerance static pressure value of the differential pressure transmitter,otherwise,it is easy to damage.
4.Input/insert level transmitter:
The level transmitter can be divided into two types:the input type and the insertion type.The two forms are identical.They all convert the pressure to the depth of the liquid.When the water depth is 1 m,the pressure on the transmitter is 10 KPa.When ordering such sensors,pay attention to:
(1)The liquid density measured shall be notified to the production unit.
(2)When the measuring medium is corrosive,the production unit shall be informed.
(3)When the temperature of the measured medium exceeds-10~C and 60~C,the manufacturer will be informed.
5.Medium and high temperature pressure transmitters:
In view of the high ambient temperature or the high medium temperature in the measurement field,the medium and high temperature pressure transmitter must be used.The transmitter has better zero temperature coefficient and sensitivity temperature coefficient,and can guarantee the measurement accuracy in the high temperature environment.When ordering this type of transmitter,the measurement medium temperature and ambient temperature should be notified so as to facilitate the manufacturer to respond reasonably.