英语励志美文短篇100字带翻译 有哲理的英文小短文精选
英语美文,不禁浮现出一个美丽的情境,赋予优美的语境和丰富的情感;英语美文,不禁联想到一种美幻的意境,充满情感的体验和丰富的表达。我为大家整理的关于英语小短文100字励志,给大家作为参考! 经典的英语青春励志小短文精选 If You Could Choose If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it? If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come your way, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experiences would match your expectations, what would your expectations be? In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances come your way. The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate*. The world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see. The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of those possibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see. 翻译:如果你可以选择 英语励志短文带翻译:如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢? 倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢? 事实上,你有能力选择你要走的路。是你自己决定你将要做的事、英语短文你将获得的经历、你将得到的机会和你将置身其中的环境。 你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。 这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。 你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。 有哲理的英语小短文欣赏 I recently started a new job, in a small office, where four of us share a fridge. In that fridge is a Brita water filter pitcher. One of my coworkers complained the water tasted "dirty". It went on for a few days, and she was stunned I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to doubt my taste buds, but the water really tasted fine. 最近我找了份新工作,是在一间小办公室里,我们四个人共用一个冰箱。冰箱里有一个Brita牌滤水壶,有一个同事抱怨说水喝起来感觉很“脏”,她连续抱怨了几天,还很震惊我喝这样的水竟然没事。我开始怀疑自己的味蕾出问题了,但我真觉着水喝着还不错。 Finally, she figured out the problem was actually her cup. She simply forgot to clean it, and after awhile started to affect the water inside it. She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem. 最后,她发现问题出在了她的杯子上,她只是忘了刷杯子,过一段时间就影响里面水的味道了。她把杯子洗干净了,水就没有异味了。 I can't help but think about the world we live in. Too often we quickly blame other people, other things, anything else but ourselves. "You're racist". "You're intolerant". "You're the problem". The world isn't perfect, I know, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some tough questions. 我禁不住思考了我们生活的世界,我们总是急于责备其他人、其他事、除了自己之外的一切东西。“你有种族歧视”、“你太狭隘”、“是你的问题”,我知道世界并不完美,但我认为有时我们应该退一步,问自己几个很难回答的问题。 Can I be better? Is my heart really pure? Can I help this situation with kindness? 我能变得更好吗?我的心真的纯洁吗?我能带着善意解决问题吗? I want to tell you this; please clean your cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much better. I promise you this. 我想告诉你这个道理:请洗干净自己的杯子。因为只有你把杯子洗干净了,里面的水味道才会好,我保证。
英语励志美文短篇精选 100字带翻译
很多人都想知道英语励志美文短篇有哪些,我整理了相关内容,希望能够为您提供参考与帮助。 英语励志美文短篇 Spirit is a monument, is a cornerstone, is on the way of life is brilliant, ruler. A modest, being the Confucius YinChu hits, "two heads are better than one, slowly," fools, generation Confucianism masters, With tolerance, ambitious, daring JiHuanGong devoid of nay, appoint people by abilities, achievement, generation vista dominance, With firmness, lonely lonely YuFen SuWu of sorrow, always don't throw away the hand that race day, the heart of han motherland, patriotic model; the cadre A dedication, kindness and plain, the ordinary XuHuCai can years like one day, warm feeling, sprinkle the people, to today's "living lei feng." ... Through history, tunnel, through history, forever will hold the grand mansion lofty life. 精神是一座丰碑,是一块基石,是前进道路上的灯塔,是灿烂人生的标尺.有了谦虚,学富五车、才高八斗的孔子缓缓吟出“三人行,必有我师”,不耻下问,终成一代儒学大师;有了宽容,雄心勃勃、意气风发的齐桓公摈弃私仇,任人唯贤,成就千秋伟业,终成一代霸主;有了坚贞,寂寞忧愁、孤寂郁愤的苏武始终不扔掉手中的汉使族节,心系祖国,终成千秋爱国楷模;有了奉献,善良质朴、平凡无闻的徐虎才能够十年如一日,情洒百姓,温暖万家,终成当今的“活雷锋”.……精神,穿越历史隧道,趟过历史长河,将永远撑起人生巍峨壮观的大厦。 If You Could Choose If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it? If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come your way, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experiences would match your expectations, what would your expectations be? In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances come your way. The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate*. The world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see. The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of those possibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see. 翻译:如果你可以选择 英语励志短文带翻译:如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢? 倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢? 事实上,你有能力选择你要走的路。是你自己决定你将要做的事、英语短文你将获得的经历、你将得到的机会和你将置身其中的环境。 你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。 这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。 你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。 励志文艺英语句子 1、Do what you say,say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的。 2、Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 你勇敢,世界就会让步。如果有时它战胜你,你要不断地勇敢再勇敢,它就会屈服。 3、Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。 4、Sometimes your plans don't work out because God has better ones. 有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。 5、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life's hardest mission. 冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。 6、Time is a bird for ever on the wing. 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。 7、It's never too late to mend. 过而能改,善莫大焉(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也)
大多数小朋友都喜欢听故事,如果是英语故事的话,不但可以在听故事的同时学习英语知识。以下是我整理的励志的英语短文故事,希望对大家有所帮助。 励志的英语短文故事 篇1 An ant was drinking at a river. Suddenly he slipped, and fell into the water. A dove took pity on him. She threw a small branch into the river. The ant seized the bough, and swam back to the shore. A few days later, the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove. He bit the man in the foot sharply. The man missed the shot, and the dove's life was saved. The dove felt very grateful. She made good friends with the ant. 一只蚂蚁到河边饮水,却不幸掉入河中。 一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。 过了不久,蚂蚁看见猎人正在拿枪瞄准鸽子,就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口,没让他打中。 鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。从此,他们成了好朋友。 寓意:有些朋友也许平时看似微不足道,但却有可能在我们身处困境的时候提供巨大的帮助。 励志的英语短文故事 篇2 Jin dynasty there was a general called zu ti. His military strategy, loyal patriot, is a highly respected person. Zu ti, however, when I was a child was a naughty boy. Reading kung fu, he only likes to play around all day. Zu ti grew up, see national decline, year after year, day of the people is very hard.However, he has little strength, and shallow knowledge, what also can't help you. In order to change the present situation of the country, zu ti start strenuously to study, study hard, learn a wealth of knowledge from the book, learning very well.Zu ti also often go to the capital of luoyang, the learned person to consult. People all know him said: "zu ti is the backbone of the country in the future." In zu ti 24 years of age, he was recommended to him, but he felt his own knowledge is not enough, there is no promise, but continue to study hard.Zu ti have a good friend called Liu Kun, he like zu ti, all hope to pacify the war, make country strong, and let the people a better life. Every time two people together to talk about the affairs of state, will unconsciously when it comes to very late, just on a piece of bed. The next morning, they can practice kung fu jian together, prepare themselves to serve the motherland in the future. One day in the middle of the night, zu ti heard the chicken calls, in his sleep and got up to Liu Kun said: "the rooster in told us to get up, now is to practice sword?" Liu Kun readily agreed. Since then, zu ti and Liu Kun convention, hear chicken calls his sword to get up every day. No matter hot summer winter, rain or shine, never interrupted.Everything comes to him who waits, after a long period of hard practice, zu ti and Liu Kun become can write good articles, and plotting to win victories wenwu all-rounder. The chickens in the story tells us: only through unremitting efforts, success is possible. We learn from zu ti and Liu Kun yo! 励志的英语短文故事 篇3 The situation was a bitter music is often subjective. It was satisfied with a life, while others may not. So can settle the situation may wish to live on and not have to try to find another way out. You can't say where successful, also cannot besure when you reach a certain point, be happy. Some peoplewill never be satisfied, his joy only in constant pursuit of the process of with their, so his goal kept away over. This person's happiness may be less, but possible. Bitter all by self-judgment, this environment does not necessarily have a direct relationship, as a woman who doesn't love jewelry, even attaches to the vanity of environment or hurt her pride. The scholar has thousands of books, and want to exchange ofdiamonds and millionaires or stock. Meet people from the pastoral life did not envy any academic honours, or a high official. Is your hobby in your direction, your interest is your capital, your character is your destiny. Everyone has his own ideals of paradise has its own what willing to enjoy the world. 一个人的处境是苦是乐常是主观的。 有人安于某种生活,有人不能。因此能安于自已目前处境的不妨就如此生活下去,不能的只好努力另找出路。你无法断言哪里才是成功的,也无法肯定当自已到达了某一点之后,会不会快乐。有些人永远不会感到满足,他的快乐只建立在不断地追求与争取的过程之中,因此,他的目标不断地向远处推移。这种人的快乐可能少,但成就可能大。 苦乐全凭自已判断,这和客观环境并不一定有直接关系,正如一个不爱珠宝的'女人,即使置身在极其重视虚荣的环境,也无伤她的自尊。 拥有万卷书的穷书生,并不想去和百万富翁交换钻石或股票。满足于田园生活的人也并不艳羡任何学者的荣誉头衔,或高官厚禄。 你的爱好就是你的方向,你的兴趣就是你的资本,你的性情就是你的命运。各人有各人理想的乐园,有自已所乐于安享的花花世界。 励志的英语短文故事 篇4 A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken. The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken. He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings. It was a dreary life. Gradually the eagle grew older and bitter. One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains. "Oh, I wish I could fly like that!" said the eagle. The chicken replied, "Don't give it another thought. That's the mighty eagle, the king of all birds-you could never be like him!" And the eagle didn't give it another thought. He went on cackling and complaining about life. He died thinking he was a prairie chicken. My friends, you too were born an eagle. The Creator intended you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the prairie chickens! 一位小男孩发现了一只老鹰下的蛋,把它放进了一只山鸡的窝里。鹰被孵出来了,但他以为自己是一只山鸡。渐渐的他长大了,却做着山鸡所做的事---从泥土里寻找食物,做短距离的飞翔,翅膀还啪啪作响。生活非常沉闷,渐渐地鹰长大了,也越来越苦恼。有一天,他和他的山鸡朋友看见一只美丽的鸟在天空翱翔,飞的比山还高。 “哦,我要能飞的那么高该多好啊!”鹰说。山鸡回答说,“不要想了,那是凶猛无比的鹰,鸟中之王---你不可能像他一样!”于是鹰放弃了那个念头。他继续咯咯地叫,不停的抱怨生活。 最后他死了,依然认为自己是一只山鸡。朋友们,你们天生就是雄鹰。造物主有意把你造就成一只雄鹰,所以不要听信山鸡的话! 励志的英语短文故事 篇5 An old woman having lost the use of her eyes, called in a physician to heal them, and made this bargain with him in the presence of witnesses: That if he should cure her blindness, he should receive from her a sum of money; but if her infirmity remained, she should give him nothing. This agreement being made, the physician, time after time, applied his salve to her eyes, and on every visit took something away, stealing all her property little by little. And when he had got all she had, he healed her and demanded the promised payment. The old woman, when she recovered her sight and saw none of her goods in her house, would give him nothing. The physician insisted on his claim, and. as she still refused, summoned her before the judge. The old woman, standing up in the court, argued: "this man here speaks the truth in what he says; for i did promise to give him a sum of money if i should recover my sight: But if i continued blind, i was to give him nothing. Now he declares that I am healed. I, on the contrary affirm that I am still blind; for when I lost the use of my eyes, I saw in my house various chattels and valuable goods: But now, though he swears i am cured of my blindness, i am not able to see a single thing in it." 励志的英语短文故事 篇6 Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before , so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr. Johnson boarded the plane. 约翰逊先生从前未乘过飞机。所以,有一天一位朋友邀请他乘自己的小飞机飞行时,约翰逊先生非常担心,不敢接受。不过,由于朋友不断保证说飞行是很安全的,约翰逊先生终于被说服了,登上了飞机。 His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight were the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes. 他的朋友启动引擎开始在机场跑道上滑行。约翰逊先生听说飞行中最危险的是起飞与降落,所以他吓得紧闭双眼。 After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, "Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants, don't they?" 过了一两分钟,他睁开双眼朝窗外望去,接着对朋友说道:“看下面那些人,他们看起来就象蚂蚁一样小,是不是?” "Those are ants," answered his friend. "We're still on the ground." “那些就是蚂蚁,”他的朋友答道,“我们还在地面上。” 励志的英语短文故事 篇7 There is a man blind from childhood, sensible, he was deeply troubled by this, that God punished him, feel this life is over Later, a teacher said to him, "everyone in the world is an apple bitten by God. All of them are flawed. Some people have a big defect because God likes his fragrance very much" He's inspired from the blindness as God's special love, began to cheer up. Several years later, the local read a German double Xin Massage by a visually-impaired Therapist division of the story. God knows the story and laughs, "I like this beautiful and clever metaphor, but I have to say a little bit about it. What is called a defect is physical Tell people this story, you ugly is not because of your past mistakes and punished, on the contrary, you are God's favorite people, don't upset because some regret you, today you may not be outstanding, maybe tomorrow, you are a beautiful rainbow! So, there is no appearance of beauty and ugliness. Those people just personal opinion just can truly determine your beautiful and ugly person, should be your own. As long as confident of his own, and a good heart. You have no reason, not the most beautiful, at least, you are the most perfect themselves. 励志的英语短文故事 篇8 Covering One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell Mr. Wang thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish things. One day he sees a beautiful bell at the top of a door. “Oh! How nice! I will take it home.” He thinks, “What can I do?” After a while he has a “good” idea. “Aha! I have an idea now. I can plug my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take off the bell.” Then he does so. But as soon as he takes off the bell, the owner opens the door. “What are you doing?” the owner says angrily. 王先生总以为自己很聪明,实际上他总干傻事。 一天,他看见一户人家的门头有个很漂亮的铃铛。“啊,真漂亮啊!我要把它拿回家去。”他自言自语道:“我该怎么做呢?”过了一会儿他想到了一个“好”主意。“啊哈!我有办法了!我把耳朵堵上,拿铃铛的时候就听不见铃声了。” 于是他就这样做了。可是他刚拿下铃铛,屋子的主人就打开门,怒气冲冲地说:“你在干什么?” 励志的英语短文故事 篇9 Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you've made. Have faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you to your destiny's path. Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination. Find the star that twinkles in your heart—for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true. Give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny. 励志的英语短文故事 篇10 Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we can. Since they can not see as much, or they can not walk as fast, they need our help. We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help, in the neighborhood or the community. You can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel chairs. l Set up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. As they are disabled, it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people do. That’s why they usually need help in physical things. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. Now, I would suggest, do whatever we can to help them. We can donate our pocket money. We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the street. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. However, don’t always think we are better than the disabled. As normal people, we always make normal mistakes. We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can not. If you know the story about Helen Keller, you will understand why you are wrong. The blind can not see with their bare eyes, but they can see better with their ears. They can see better with their hands. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people! 励志的英语短文故事 篇11 We all live in this world.We maybe feel unlucky sometimes.But, as you know, in this world there have been a lot of people who can't talk, walk, speak, listen to and see anything. The invalid need our concerns.If you see an invalid person,you should not just watch him all the time. You can show your respect to him. Let him feel the good of the world. Our government should put benefits into its policy that can make the invalid happier. The invalid need our help. Please don't grudge your smile .You can keep it on you face. If we concern more of the invaild, our society will become more and more friendly.Violence will cease.We'll live safely. 励志的英语短文故事 篇12 On my way to school there was something wrong with my bike. What should I do? I would be late for class. I checked the bike again and again, but I didn't know what the matter was. I was so worried that I was wet all over. Just then an old man came up to me. "What's the matter, young man?" He said, "Let me help you." I was glad that my bike was mended a few minutes later. I didn't really know what I should say. I thanked him again and again, He said with a smile, "It is my pleasure. We should help each other." Yes, we should help each other. When I see someone is in trouble, I will help him, too. 励志的英语短文故事 篇13 Nick, a 25-year-old Australian, was born without limbs. He used to be made fun of for looking like a monster. Everything seemed impossible to him. However, Nick never gave up. With great efforts, he finally learned to swim, fish and even surf. What surprised me is that he completed a university education and got two degrees. And now he is the CEO of two companies. Nick believes: Attitude is altitude. In his eyes, nothing is impossible. He thinks a positive attitude is the key to success. After reading Nick’s story, I have been feeling inspired by his spirit. Compared with him, we are healthy enough to enjoy life. Somehow, we are always frustrated facing difficulties. I think Nick has set a good example to us. Try to appreciate what we do have and be more persevering and we will achieve success in the end. 励志的英语短文故事 篇14 A man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog. He trains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house. When he returns home after a day’s hunt, he always gives the housedog some meat. The hound feels very angry. He says unhappily to the housedog, “I work very hard outside, but you do nothing and share my food.” “Don’t blame me, my friend. You should blame the master. He doesn’t teach me to hurt, but to share other’s food,” the housedog answers. Don’t blame children for the mistakes of their parents. 有一个人养了两条狗:一条是猎犬,一条是看家狗。他训练猎狗帮他打猎,教看家狗守家。 当猎人打了一天猎回家后,总要分给看家狗一些肉,猎狗对此很生气。它不高兴地对看家狗说道:“我在外边追捕猎物十分辛苦,而你在家什么都不做,但你却分享我的食物。” 看家狗回答道:“不要责怪我,我的朋友。你应该去责备主人。他不教我打猎,却只教我分享别人的食物。” 不要因为父母的错误而去责备孩子。 励志的英语短文故事 篇15 Today is an excellent day for small improvements. Whatever is working for you, find a way to improve it just a little. There’s no need to make a huge change, just a small one, something you can do right now. If you called just one additional customer each day, over the course of the next month you would talk to about 20 new people. If you learned just one more new word each day, in the next year you would increase your vocabulary by more than 300 words. Small improvements can add up over time into big accomplishments. Look around you. Consider the work you do each day. Think about how you could do it just a little bit better. In a marathon race, each step the winner takes is just a little bit longer and a little bit faster than each stride taken by the 100th place finisher. Yet over the course of the race, that small difference adds up in a big way. Do just a little bit more today, and tomorrow too, and each day after that. Anyone can make just a small improvement, and that can make a big, big difference. 今天就是你可以做改进的极好的一天。无论你在做什么,找一个方法去做一点点的改进。不用做太大的改变,只要一点点——你现在可以做到的一点点。 如果你每天多给一个顾客打电话的话,一个月下来你会发现你又多认识了差不多二十个人。如果每天多学会一个新词,过一年,你的词汇量将会增加300多个。 小小的改进能够逐步积累成大的成就。观察你的周围。思考你每天所做的工作。英语短文想一下你怎么能做得更好一点。 在马拉松比赛中,冠军的每一步都只比第一百名的选手的步伐大一点点、快一点点。英语短文但是在比赛过程中,那些小小的不同积累成了巨大的区别。 今天、明天、今后的每一天尽力做更多一点点。任何人都能做一点小小的改进,但那小小的改进将会起到非常大、非常大的作用。
有志者事竟成。下面我与大家分享励志语故事小短文,希望大家喜欢~ 英语故事小短文励志【1】 A young rich man to consult a success, but the rich man took three different sizes in front of a watermelon on the youth, "If each piece of watermelon on behalf of the interests of a certain extent, you choose that piece?" "Of course is the biggest piece of!" Young did not hesitate to answer. Rich man smiled: "Well, please now!" Rich people to the biggest piece of watermelon to the youth, while they eat the smallest piece. Soon, rich on the finish, and then pick up the last piece of watermelon table proudly shook the face of the young, with big stuttering. Young people immediately understand the meaning of the rich: the rich man does not eat the melon melon young people, and eat more than young people. If each piece of watermelon on behalf of the interests of a certain degree, then the interests of rich natural possession of more than youth. Eating watermelon, rich youth said: "To be successful, we must learn to give up, only to give up immediate interests in order to obtain long-term Italian, and this is my success." 英语故事小短文励志【2】 One evening, it was raining and the wind was blowing hard. An old couple came to an inn and prepared to put up for the night (投宿)there. A young man received them with open arms(热地), but said "I”m sorry! Our guest rooms here are all full and the inns nearby are all full, too, for there will be an important meeting to be held here tomorrow." Hearing the young man”s words, the old couple felt very disappointed, and turned around to leave. Just as they were leaving, the young man came up to them and stopped them: "Madam and sir, if you don”t mind, you can sleep in my bedroom for a night......." The next evening, the old couple took out lots of money to give it to the young man, but he refused to take it. "No!You needn”t pay me any money, for I only lend my room to you." said the young man with a smile on his face. "You”re great, young man! It”s very kind of you. Maybe one day, I”ll build a hotel for you!" said the old man gratefully. With these words, the old couple left. Gazing at their receding figures, the young man only laughed and went on working. Several years later, the young man suddenly received a letter from the old couple, inviting him to go to Manhattan(曼哈顿) . The young man met the old couple in front of a luxury hotel(豪华饭店). "Do you still remember what I said to you several years ago? Look! This is the hotel that I built for you!" said the old man. Soon, the young man became the manager of the hotel.
【 #英语资源# 导语】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点,见解和主张的文稿。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students Good afternoon, everyone: One flower a season, in that only belongs to its own season, open up a dazzling flower, in that time, struggle! Burn it! Own youth. The opening of each flower must go through the struggle to break the ground, grow hard, withstand the time, sunshine and rain, and open the most beautiful flowers in the most prominent place. Flowers should still be like this. How dare I neglect it? A seed will never blossom unless it breaks the ground. Youth will be meaningless if it doesn't burn once without struggle. Struggle, youth, show the unique brilliance of this season! Strive, youth, burst out of the universe, let your youth have no regrets! Strive, youth, go your own way, let others say it! Struggle, youth, adhere to the efforts, open up their own time! Strive, youth! thank you. 2.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students Good afternoon, everyone! In daily life, some people think that youth is meant to be enjoyed, rather than working day and night and fighting night and night, so they choose to play, choose to waste time, and choose to give up the opportunity of promising future. We are just like the rising sun when we are young. We have unlimited and vigorous potential to rush to the blue sky. At the same time, it also reminds us that as time goes by, youth is perishable, and we should use our vigorous potential to struggle, to struggle, and to pave the way for our future life! Time flies, time flies like an arrow. Life is short, like a bow and arrow that has broken its strings. There is no room to turn back and no chance to take a break. There are only all the fluctuations that have stopped at the end of life. We often hear from the older generation that if I had worked hard, what would I do now? Maybe I stand here and say that youth is for struggle! Some students will not understand, they will say that I was blunt by learning, they will say that I am jealous of their unbridled play. But I just want to say that youth is used for struggle. We can't afford to lose, and we can never lose! If we are young and plain, how can we withstand the hardships of the years and set off the magnificent waves of future life! So, young man, go up! Fight! thank you. 3.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students Good afternoon, everyone! The beauty of youth is always displayed in her struggle. Like an eagle, its beauty is displayed in the wind and rain, like the soaring spirit of heaven. We are in the prime of our youth. Why not outshine cowardice with courage, overcome restlessness with progress, and raise the sail of struggle! Keep moving forward in the turbulent sea to show the splendor and strength of the youth of our xx generation. Let's fight against the sky like eagles! Strive to describe the regretless youth. Although the youth is only a short period on the long road of life, when you look back, you will find that the youth you once had will still shine in your memory. Regretless youth should be the pursuit of each of us. Only when we grasp each day of youth and work hard in the torrent, can we proudly say: My youth is regretless! thank you. 4.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students Good morning, everyone! Boys and girls, when you start your first day of study with your schoolbag on your back in the morning, you should look up, stand tall, be energetic, be confident, and have a great determination in your heart; On your way home from school, you should touch your schoolbag and ask yourself what you learned today? Have you wasted a day? Is it a step closer to your magical dream, great ideal and good wishes? Students, let's follow the fall, pick up a small brush, and describe life more beautiful. Let's fly our hearts and sing a song of autumn. Spring planting and autumn harvest, fragrant melons and fruits. Here is a sentence from the Italian painter Da Vinci: one day's hard work can lead to a night's sleep; If you work hard all your life, you can have a happy sleep! 5.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 hello everyone! If you are still at the crossroads at this moment, and do not know which road to take, please think quickly. After careful consideration, summon up your courage, raise your sails, and dominate your life. Even though there are many thorns on the road, you are capable. Believe in yourself! If you are born and still insist that pessimism is your representative, and you don't know how to get rid of it, please carefully understand the psychological theory of "sadness comes from the heart, and happiness depends on yourself". In fact, isn't pessimism and optimism just on the front line? In pessimistic thinking, as long as you regain your courage and shout "I want to work hard! I want to succeed!" Don't you become more active? This is the driving force of life. Trust me and shout out your confidence! Finally, if you are still in regret and don't know how to forgive your past, please recognize that the real meaning of regret lies in reflection, so that we can see the way we have gone, and get relief and sublimation from it, rather than entanglement and addiction. Really, don't hesitate, lose, pessimism and regret. The rosy clouds in front are waving to you. You must regain your courage and step forward forcefully. If you have the ability, you should move forward to a higher level! Make up your mind, dear friend. thank you. 6.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and judges, dear students: hello everyone! When there is no sunlight, we still have moonlight; When there is no moonlight, we still have starlight. What do we have when there is no star light? We also have the expectant eyes of our parents and teachers. Struggle is the driving force of life and the condition for the production of all things in the world. In our real life, we will experience many setbacks. A person's life will never be smooth. The road of life is like a river. What should we do at this time? Is it escape? Is it surrender? Or turn a blind eye? This is not a choice we should make. What we need is brave struggle. The necessary weapon for successful people at all times and in all countries is struggle. Li Bai, an ancient poet, described struggle vividly: "As long as you have perseverance, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle", which is also one of the words that we were most inspired and influenced when we were young. Therefore, we should develop a sense of struggle from childhood to lay the foundation for future success. Why do some people shrink from difficulties? When encountering difficulties, they either depend on their teachers or their parents. Is this useful? I can firmly say that this has no effect! In the long run, they will lose their interest in struggle, and what's more, they will lose their will to fight and become prisoners of difficulties! Therefore, there is a real way out as long as you work hard. No matter what your job is, you should work hard. If you don't work hard, you will achieve nothing! As the saying goes, "The fittest survive and the inferior are eliminated." This is a constant reminder that we must strive in life! Maybe there are many setbacks on the way to success, but we are fearless and dauntless, and write our youth without regret with struggle! This is the end of my speech. Thank you! 7.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 hello everyone! Some people were swept away in the fierce competition and never recovered; Some people, however, faced the wind, stepped on the waves and landed, and they succeeded. Because they have more persistence. For them, the wind and waves are not stumbling blocks, but the cornerstone of their own. Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy. Life is the process of life. How can there be no wind or rain? It is because of the baptism of wind and rain that we can see the colorful rainbow; Only with the pain of failure can we taste the joy of success. Time, fast turn, across the illusion of a dream. Life, we must break a path! For the cause, for the life of struggle, although we have lost a lot, we must gain if we lose! What is gained is often more important than what is lost. It is the value and significance of life. thank you. 8.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students good morning! "When we are young, we don't know that the world is difficult". Because our living environment is too comfortable, many students have gone to the wrong area of life: to abandon learning, to pursue fashion, to indulge in old dreams, and to linger. Who knows that time is the fastest and slowest, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and most precious, the most easily ignored and the most easily regretted in the world. At all times and in all countries, all those who have made outstanding contributions to mankind started from grasping today. Only those who lack the will and have no ambition think that today's work is unfinished and they can continue to do it tomorrow. Because of this wrong idea, many students put off what they should do today, and they don't know how many "today" they have lost. A poem written by Zhu Xi, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, said: "It is difficult for young people to learn and old people to succeed. One inch of time cannot be taken lightly. I didn't realize that the pond was dreaming early in spring, and the leaves in front of the steps were singing in autumn." We should grasp today and study hard. Working hard for our ideals and striving for the future, our ancestors have set an example for us. It is our ambition that the waves behind the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead; It is our pride to be strong when you are strong. Let us in the learning stage, like Edison and Balzac, work hard and pursue unremittingly. Only in this way can we accumulate knowledge bit by bit on the way of learning, and can we treasure every inch of the scenery on the journey of life; Only in this way can we realize our ideals and let life radiate brilliant light. 9.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 Dear teachers and students Good morning, everyone! Youth is a ship fighting against wind and waves. Knowledge is the power of the ship of youth and never fails. In childhood, we should seize the time, persevere, study hard and seize the day. Working hard for our ideals and striving for the future, our ancestors have set an example for us. Dear students, we are in the knowledge kingdom of xx Primary School, bathed in the sunshine and rain of the times. There is no reason for us to abandon our study and arbitrarily compare, and there is no reason for us to indulge in fantasy and linger. It is our unshirkable responsibility to study hard and seize the day; Work hard and seize the day. The harbor in the morning is full of sails; Study hard, seize the day, the battleship of life, brave the wind and waves; Study hard and seize the day. The victory is magnificent! My speech is over, thank you! 10.有关奋斗努力的英语演讲稿 hello everyone! The youth is wonderful because of struggle. With struggle, the youth will fly. With struggle, the youth will be beautiful. Grasping every moment, minute and second of youth, we strive for success, fight for success, be ourselves, and strive for our goals To make our youth better, fuller and brighter, go for it and strive! I like the saying that "since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers". Because it is a kind of celebration and singing of youth. Yes, youth is invincible. Youth is not stubborn, not extreme, not conservative, not rigid era. The age of youth is a time when life shines brightly. Even if you are unhappy in everything, you can have a reason to be depressed and complain, but you can't have a reason to give up your ideals and pursuits, because the youth is so beautiful, and the beautiful youth is firmly held, I hope it belongs to you, and the world belongs to you. Youth, need to struggle! If you have youth, you will have a natural and unrestrained vitality. If you have youth, you will have a brilliant and brilliant life. thank you.
英语励志演讲1 Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem morelike someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are notlike what you see in anyone else. You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the samethings be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yoursright now. If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history,and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. Itis a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it! No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one canspeak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort otherswith your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding toanother person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in yourway. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impactof you to another human being. Share your uniqueness. Let it flow out freely among your family andfriends, and the people you meet in the rush and clutter of living, wherever youare. That gift of yourself was given to you to enjoy and share. Give yourselfaway! See it! Receive it! Let it inform you, move you and inspire you! You are unique! 请欣赏你自己的独特吧!你不用伪装自己以使你看起来和别人一样,也无需掩藏你在别人看来所具有的独特性。 你生来与众不同。现在你所拥有的思想,灵魂,精神是任何时刻、任何地点的其他人都不曾拥有的。 如果你不存在了,那么上帝的作品中就有了一个缺憾,历史也不再完整,人类发展也有了缺失。 珍惜你所拥有的独特性。这是上天给你的礼物,请欣赏并学会分享它。 没有人能像你一样乐于帮助别人。没有人能像你一样表达自己。也没人能够表达你想传达的意思。没有人能用你所特有的方式来安慰别人。也没有人能够像你一样善解人意。没有人能像你一样感受快乐、无忧无虑,也没有人能像你一样微笑。总而言之,没有人能够把你的特性展示给其他人。 分享你的独特性吧!尽情地将你的独一无二展示给其他人,英语短文不管是你的亲人和朋友还是你在纷繁复杂的生活中所遇到的路人。请欣赏并分享上帝给你的这份独特的礼物吧。释放你自己! 感知它并且接受它! 听从你的独特性,让它影响你、感动你并且激励你前进! 你是独一无二的! 英语励志演讲2 If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world wouldyou choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds ofthings would you fill it? If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come yourway, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experienceswould match your expectations, what would your expectations be? In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have theability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities andcircumstances come your way. The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, yourexpectations and your actions most closely resonate_. The world you see and livein is the world you most sincerely expect to see. The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilitieskeep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of thosepossibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams andexpectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live isclosely mirrored in the world you see. 如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢? 倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢? 事实上,你有能力选择你要走的路。是你自己决定你将要做的事、英语短文你将获得的经历、你将得到的机会和你将置身其中的环境。 你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。 这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。 你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。 英语励志演讲3 “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pagesare infinite…” I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as areminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take themysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, justas a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reapa good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop.If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminatedby the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all beconcerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder ofour lives. The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The futureis before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings withit new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them.We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of humanendeavor. “我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本书的页数是无限的……” 我不知道是谁写的,可我很喜欢这句话,它提醒我们未来是由自己创造的。我们可以把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成我们想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。英语励志短文 我们每个人都像是农夫。洒下良种将有丰收,播下劣种或生满野草便将毁去收成。没有耕耘则会一无所获。 我希望未来比过去更加美好,希望未来不会沾染历史的错误与过失。我们都应举目向前,因我们的余生要用未来书写。 往昔已逝,静如止水;再作改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将会影响着它。只要我们认识到这些,无论是在家中还是在工作上,每天我们的面前都会展现出新的天地。在人类致力开拓的每一片领域上,我们正站在进步的起跑点。 英语励志演讲4 Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends, Suppose you are in a dark cave alone now. Maybe you can not find any hope, you are trembling and frightened. What will you do? What will you say? Will you give up? (……) No we should not give up. We should try our best to find hope. So today, I am honored to stand here to share my opinion with you---- Let’s say NO to Give UP. 英语励志演讲5 Some people go through life standing at the excuse counter. They say they’d like to do this or that, but then they offer all theexcuses in the world for why they can’t do whatever it is. No matter what theexcuses are, the only thing that is usually limiting them is their ownself-perception. If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that a person —any person —may doanything they set their mind on doing. The things you need are willingness towork for what you want, patience to learn what you need to know and, mostimportant of all, belief in yourself. You only need a seed, and then your faithin yourself will grow with you as you move forward. If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something becauseyou’re not smart enough, then take the time to learn what you need to know, andthen your self-perception will change. If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something because younever finish anything you start, then go and finish something and change yourself- perception. If your self-perception is that you’re too lazy, too busy, too unworthy,too unfocused, too depressed, or too dependent on others to accomplish greatthings, then you’re right. You are that because you believe you are, but infact, you can change that! Life is change, and the past doesn’t equal thefuture. Your reality today is the result of your past beliefs and actions.Change your beliefs and actions, and you will change your future. Whether youthink you can or you can’t, you’re right. You are what you think. Think about that the next time you need an excuse. 有些人的一生都在借口中度过。 他们总是说喜欢这喜欢那,只是随之给出各种理由来解释他为什么没能去做。但无论是什么借口,能限制他们行为的通常只是他们的自我认知。 如果说我确实明白了一些事情,那就是了解了一个人,任何一个人,几乎可以做成任何事情,只要他们下决心去做。你需要的只是为梦想而奋斗的意愿、为学习必要知识的耐心,但是最重要的是你的自信。你只需播下一粒梦想的种子,你的信念将会随着你一起成长。 如果你自认为是因不够聪明而不能完成某件事情,那么就花些时间去学习所需要的知识,这样,你的自我认知就会改变。 如果你自认为你不能完成某件事情常常是因为半途而废,那么就去做完它,将这种自我认知彻底改变。 如果你自认为是因太懒惰、太忙、太卑微、太不专心、太消沉、太依赖别人而不能做成大事,那么你是对的。你确实是这样,因为你自己就是这样认为的。但事实上你能够改变。生活无时无刻不在变化,过去不等于未来。你的现在正是你过去所想所做的必然结果。改变你的信念和行动,成就你的将来。如果你认为你能或不能做什么,那么你是对的,因为正是你的思想造就了你。 下次你找什么借口的时候,仔细思量一番。 英语励志演讲6 各位老师、领导们: 大家好! 两年前,我从xx英语教育院校毕业,踌躇满志地从大学校门里走出来,满怀信心地踏进了这满是孩子们的天堂。在我开始接任四年级二班的英语教程那一刻,我的心情忐忑不安,不知能否把课上好,当我真正走上工作岗位,走上四二班教室的讲台时,面对一个个鲜活可爱的面孔,面对一双双求知的眼睛,我总是一次次默默的告诉自己,要努力,要加油,要成为深受学生欢迎的'好老师。 有人说儿童是一本书虽然要读懂这本书并非易事,但要成为一位出色的教师就必须去读它,有人说,儿童是花木,教师是园丁,园丁悉心照料着花木,但需要尊重它们自然地成长。实际上,儿童比花木要复杂的多,教师的工作比园丁的工作也复杂的多,尽管他们拥有着共同或共通的规律。法国文学家雨果在他的诗里曾经写到:“花是尊贵的,果实是甜美的,让我们都来做叶吧,因为叶,是平凡而谦逊的。”我觉得这首诗就是为教师写的,因为教师就像那默默奉献的绿叶,时时刻刻衬托着鲜花的娇艳。今天,在庆祝教师节的日子里,我荣幸地站上这方讲台,诵读这样意味深长的诗句,即将开始我至真至诚的讲述,我心中无比激动,也感到万分的骄傲自豪。 时光匆匆,转眼间我已走过了四年的从教生涯。虽然在大家看来这段时间有些短暂。但细数往昔岁月的点点滴滴,我还是要长叹:生活原来给了我们那么多感动。为了这真情付出后得到的感动,我一直在追求着。刚刚参加工作时,信心百倍。记得第一次以教师的身份走进课堂,感觉一切都是那样美好。然而,醉酒方知酒味浓,为师才知为师难。一段时间之后,我先前良好的自我感觉早就一扫而空,面对一群求知欲渴的孩子们,我才真正意识到教师职业是何等的艰辛和琐碎,三尺讲台站上去容易,要站好可真难啊! 每个人都希望自己的人生风和日丽,莺歌燕舞。但月有阴晴圆缺,人有旦夕祸福,挫折和失败总是不断地踩痛我们的心。我们是把失意的怨气撒在孩子身上,还是收起此时内心的苦楚用微笑面对纯真可爱的孩子?我想没有人愿意选择前者,因为你的心中有爱!鲁迅先生有句话“教育是植根与爱的”。是的,爱是教育的源泉,教师有了爱,才会用伯乐的眼光去发现孩子们的闪光点,才会对自己的教育对象充满了信心和爱心,才会有追求卓越的精神和创新的精神。 今天,我是一名小学英语教师,爱我的学生,我会像母亲一样无私和不求索取;爱我的学生,我会像手足一样把心和他们贴得更近;爱我的学生,我会像朋友一样与他们风雨同舟;爱我的学生,我会不溺爱不袒护,在他们跌倒时,鼓励他们勇敢的站起来!我相信“人民教师”这光荣而神圣的称谓,它总能让我拥有无穷的力量。 谢谢大家! 英语励志演讲7 The future can be anything we want to make I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as areminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything thatwe can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reapa good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop.If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminatedby the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all beconcerned about the future because that is where we will spend the reminder ofour lives. The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The futureis before us and dynamic. Everything we do will effect it. Each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in ourbusinesses, if we will only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of theprogress in every field of human endeavor. 我不知道这段文字是谁写的,我一直很喜欢并用它们来提醒自己,那就是未来操之在我。 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。 我们每个人都是农夫。我们若种下好种子,就会有丰收。倘若种子长得不良且长满杂草,我们就会徒劳无获。如果我们什么也不种,就根本不会有什么收获。 我希望未来会比过去更好。我不希望未来会被那些充斥在历史中的错误所污染。我们应关心未来,因为往后的余生都要在未来中度过。 往昔已一去不复返而且是静止的。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。未来就在我们眼前而且是动态的。我们的所作所为都会影响未来。 只要我们体会的出来,每天都可以发现新的知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们的事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研的每个领域中进步的起点。